
Groundnut, also known as peanut, is a leguminous plant (Arachis hypogaea) whose seeds are commonly consumed as a nutritious and tasty food. Here are some details about groundnuts:

Groundnuts are consumed in various forms, both raw and processed.
Roasted peanuts are a popular snack, and they are often enjoyed with or without salt.
Peanut butter, a spread made from ground peanuts, is widely used in sandwiches, baking, and as a condiment.
Groundnut oil is extracted from the seeds and is commonly used for cooking in many parts of the world.
Groundnuts are cultivated in warm climates with well-drained soil.
The plants have a unique growth habit where the fertilized flowers develop a peg that grows downward, burying the developing pods underground.
Groundnut oil is widely used for cooking and frying due to its high smoke point and mild flavor.
Groundnut meal, a byproduct of oil extraction, is used as animal feed.
Groundnuts are a versatile and nutritious food source with a range of culinary applications. Whether eaten on their own, in spreads, or as oil, groundnuts contribute to a balanced and diverse diet.
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